Rabu, 18 Juni 2008


Along time ago during the last ice age, there used to be land between Siberia and Alaska. Groups of people crossed from Siberia into the American continent and spreas through North and South America. They formed tribes with names which we know from Hollywood films, like Apache, Sioux, Cherokee and Comanche. These tribes spoke their own costums. Early white settlers called them "Indians", although now in the USA they prefer to be called "American Indians" or "Native American Indians".
Before 1800, there werw over a million American Indians. They lived mainly bu hunting and fishing and growing crops. The Sioux, for example, used to hunt buffalo. The buffalo gave the Siouz everything they needed: food, clothes, tools and homes.
Then in the 1840s wagon trains carrying white Europeans began to move west across the Great Plains, looking for land to settle on and build farms. At first the Merican Indians tried to drive them away but it soon became impossible and they had to give large areas of land to the white farmers. Soon there was little and left for the buffalo to roam. Thousands of them were shot by the white hunters, just for their skins. BY 1874, the white hunters had almost completely destroyed the great herds of buffalo.
The white farmers took more and more of the land and eventually drove the American Indians onto "reservation" - areas of dry, rocky land which nobody wanted. The American Indians fought back in some small but violent battles. In the end, not surprisingly, the American Indians lost their fight. By 1900 there were only a few hundred thousand of them left. Today, half of them live on reservation and half in other parts of the USA.

8 komentar:

Mazaya Rizy Safira mengatakan...

cerita apaan sih nih? gak ngerti hahaha ampun

I'm a Young Magician!! mengatakan...

katanya pinter b. inggris ay..
masa bgini doang kagak ngerti??


Mazaya Rizy Safira mengatakan...

yee gw ngerti, cuma alurnya bingung hahaha

Ganang Rizky Nugraha mengatakan...

kyknya critanya bgus, tp sayang gw g ngerti(pk b.ingriss c) , hehehe....

I'm a Young Magician!! mengatakan...

jaman skng pakenya b. inggris
dh ga jaman pake b. indonesia..

Mazaya Rizy Safira mengatakan...

eh sekarang mah yg gahool pke bahasa aL4yYy, ya gak Nang? Lam? hahaha

I'm a Young Magician!! mengatakan...

yodah lay, kita ngomongnya pake bahasa alay aja ya lay, ga blh ada yg pake b. indonesia ato b. inggris ya lay,,

hidup alay..

Mazaya Rizy Safira mengatakan...

ah elu mah alay gak asik, udeh lu kan pake bahasa inggeris, jadi ya pake aje tuh bahasa. gua mah bahasa alay langsung dpt cepe' wekekek ( ya Allah tolong, mazaya alay sekali) errr


Hallo semua, saya Alam Budisatria.. sering dipanggil Alam.. Saya skolah di SMP Labschool Jakarta.. waktu sd saya skolah di SD ISLAM AL-AZHAR 20 CIBUBUR.. di dalam blog ini, saya akan menampilkan beberapa teks dr Karya Tulis yg telah saya buat.. yang bertema "KEMACETAN LALU LINTAS"